It's Gay Sex 24/7 in Delegate Lohr's World

Therefore how could Delegate Lohr – in his first of likely many years as a Delegate - resist the temptation to throw this hungry pack of social conservative constituents a bone in order to satisfy their insatiable need to stoke the flames of the cultural war? So who do you decide to go after first? Now don’t forget that 40 years ago some of these same Delegates used all of their legislative energy to tell us how integration was immoral, and how it would be the end of the world as we know it. But, this probably wouldn’t go over to well today. So I guess the dilemma for Delegate Lohr in 2006 is to identify a segment of society that can be exploited for cheap political gain. Hmmm, wonder who that could be?
Well, it appears that a perfect “target” has been selected, and Lohr – through his sponsorship of HB 1308 – has his cross hairs aimed at high school “clubs” such as the Gay-Straight Alliance (or any version of). See Delegate Lohr, doesn’t want queer kids – or those who like them – meeting on school grounds for a gay sex orgy, or whatever those folks do! Even though one student (who is a member of such a club in the New River Valley) stated that "We don't talk about our sex lives. We never get into that. We stick with tolerance and equality." Yea, right…
So what does this have to do with the traffic, agriculture, or improving education here in the Valley? I believe that Senator John Edwards, of Roanoke, summed this “issue” up perfect when he stated, “This kind of bill does not advance the major issues in Virginia. It is totally unnecessary.” Oh, really?
Look, I too do not believe that high school kids should be involved in activities/clubs that promote sex, well maybe the prom is OK, but you get the idea. When this issue came up (I believe last year) in the City of Harrisonburg, the school board found a compromise of sorts. This compromise was that any student who participated in an after-school club must have parental permission. Ok, I can live with that, I don’t totally agree with it, but fair enough. Harrisonburg City Schools didn't need the Commonwealth to pass a law in order to find a solution to this "controversy", but Delegate Lohr feels that they do. I mean we're talking about gay sex after all!
I truly believe if Delegate Lohr took the time to meet with members of such a club, he probably wouldn’t have the opinion that these clubs are hotbeds of hedonistic activities sanctioned by the schools. Is this too much to ask? It's apparent that Delegate Lohr doesn't feel that elected school boards have the necessary discrestion in order to determine what is best for their comunities.
Regardless, I’m under the impression that the temptation to fan the flames of the cultural war is too great for Delegate Lohr to resist – even during his first session in Richmond. Some of Lohr’s constituents want a bit of “red meat”, and Matt seems all-to-willing to oblige. Look for more of the same for many years to come from Delegate Lohr...he's off to a great start!
P.S. The photo above is not a picture of Delegate Lohr, but instead is a picture of the President of a local high school's Gay-Straight Alliance Motorcycle Club.
At 2/09/2006 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jerry Kilgore and Matt Lohr have such power lisps that it sort of makes you wonder they obsess about homosexulaity so much?
At 2/09/2006 2:54 PM,
Pastor John said…
if these children are acting homosexual, why are they not being tied up with a garden hose and sprayed with lemon juice? that cures homosexuality and it works wonders on the masons as well.
At 2/09/2006 5:18 PM,
.... said…
I am speechless........ Who cultivates such hate in their heart? Most certainly not someone who believe in a merciful god. I think even Hitler would be offended by those comments.......
At 2/09/2006 6:17 PM,
Megan said…
Quit picking on Matt!!!!
At 2/09/2006 6:46 PM,
Will Vaught said…
If Matt is willing to sponsor such an idotic bill, he can take the heat - even if it's just from me. Not to worry though, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of this for many years to come from Mr. Lohr...
At 2/09/2006 7:07 PM,
Dvt guy said…
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At 2/10/2006 7:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
What is often said about those who protest too much? I believe after the next election this fool with be sent back to the farm to graze with the other animals. Is this what Arnold meant by "girliemen?" LMAO
Bye, bi
At 2/10/2006 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am just waiting for the day that I pick up the paper and read that Lohr was busted for soliciting gay sex online. Just like that gay bashing congressman from Virginia Beach a few years ago. Remember that one?
At 2/10/2006 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
We would like to think that people who go into politics do so for honorable reasons. While many do fit this mold, politics do attract a fair number of strange personality "qualities" including greed, ambition, ego, revenge and just the intoxicating rush of raw power...the ability to impose your personal will over everybody else. It is up to the voters to recognize these "qualities" in political leaders and to send them packing before they do too much damage to the rest of us.
At 2/10/2006 10:21 AM,
Will Vaught said…
I belive anon, 9.20 is referring to Ed Schrock, a congressman from Va. Beach who was "outed" for leaving a messsage on a gay phone sex line (?). and it appeared that Schrock had sponsored/supported some gay related freaking ironic!
Not suggested that Lohr is a homosexual - though he does have a lisp that would make Carons from Queer Eye jeoulos - I just think Matt didn't need to start of his firt session as delegate with such a silly bill, that is all...he'll have another 50 years to introduce more silly bills, couldn't he have waited?
Here's a good one, let's think of some other silly/useless bills that Lohr might come up over the next 50 years?
At 2/10/2006 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
In 2012 Matt will introduce HB 666, which makes it illegal for non-married bovines to have sexual intercourse.
At 2/11/2006 8:24 PM,
Will Vaught said…
that would be the valley family forum...
At 2/14/2006 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think we should all take great comfort in the knowledge that there are men like Matt Lahr and Dean Wealty (leader of the Family Forum) who are willing to come out vigorously on this issue. They do the worrying so that we don't have to. Think about the dedication. They must lay awake at night, sleepless, with images of gay sex overwhelming their minds. They are obviously willing and eager to push themselves between any two gay men having sex. They seem to understand intimately and on an obviously personal level the need to have laws on the books making same sex attraction illegal so that people won't be... confused. We should all thank them for their willingness to insert themselves into... no, dedicate their lives to... no, obsess themselves with... gay sex. Because quite honestly, normal people don't worry all that much about what someone else is doing.
At 2/15/2006 8:29 AM,
Will Vaught said…
Marqus - great post! Hallarious, but so true at the same time!
At 2/15/2006 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is a letter in the Daily News Record today from Dean Wealty about this very bill.
At 2/15/2006 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry about that, you'll have to copy and paste I guess.
At 2/15/2006 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Matt Lohr, Dean Welty Isn't that the names of different ends of a monster. The Latin name for it is I'mscaredImightbeonebutIcan'tgettheclosetdooropen.We have quite a few of these smelly critters up here in the Valley. Hopefully VP Cheney and Del Reid will decide to come here hunting.
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