New Town Manager making same mistakes in Elkton
This post was submitted by Anonymous 2:
Will you're completely right when you said that a good government is one you never see at work. Apparently Elkton isn't Mr. Donachy's first crossover from administration into politics. In the previous blog entry anonymous 8 inspired me to do a two-minute Google search, which revealed that Donachy was, first, tangled up in council politics in Bowling Green, and then fired. He left under a cloud of controversy.
His mistake there, I suppose, is probably the same one he's repeating in Elkton, and that is to confuse being an administrator for an elected body with becoming involved in the politics. He should not have taken sides. Elkton's first town manager, Ted Costin, did the same thing, and his activities sparked a "throw out the bums" movement. He offended half the council and most of the citizens, but he was allowed to finish out his contract with the town. It left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and left everyone suspicious of town managers.
What's going on now in Elkton is that a few people on Council believe they know better than the citizens what they want. One of your posters on the previous blog entry rants about the "old lady block" but he has forgotten that they are actually the voters. All of this sneering and mudslinging online is, I believe, the actions of only a few people, some within town government and some others.
When people feel like they're being ignored by their officials, they get vocal and disrespectful. But in this case, they're just acting in public the way their officials have behaved towards them. I'll be Anonymous 2, and I hope others will adopt pseudonyms, so we can keep track of the posts. Thank you, Will, for providing a forum for discussion, and for being so patient with your readers.
Note: Anyone who would like to contribute a piece for this blog in regards to this issue is welcome to e-mail what they would like posted. I can site the piece to your name, or to an anonymous source (which I will clearly state). I only ask that your tone be civil, and your points be well reasoned. If you have any souces (for instance a past article from the DNR), please include the full link of the article in your e-mail, and I will include it in the piece. You can e-mail me a submission to this blog at - WV
Will you're completely right when you said that a good government is one you never see at work. Apparently Elkton isn't Mr. Donachy's first crossover from administration into politics. In the previous blog entry anonymous 8 inspired me to do a two-minute Google search, which revealed that Donachy was, first, tangled up in council politics in Bowling Green, and then fired. He left under a cloud of controversy.
His mistake there, I suppose, is probably the same one he's repeating in Elkton, and that is to confuse being an administrator for an elected body with becoming involved in the politics. He should not have taken sides. Elkton's first town manager, Ted Costin, did the same thing, and his activities sparked a "throw out the bums" movement. He offended half the council and most of the citizens, but he was allowed to finish out his contract with the town. It left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and left everyone suspicious of town managers.
What's going on now in Elkton is that a few people on Council believe they know better than the citizens what they want. One of your posters on the previous blog entry rants about the "old lady block" but he has forgotten that they are actually the voters. All of this sneering and mudslinging online is, I believe, the actions of only a few people, some within town government and some others.
When people feel like they're being ignored by their officials, they get vocal and disrespectful. But in this case, they're just acting in public the way their officials have behaved towards them. I'll be Anonymous 2, and I hope others will adopt pseudonyms, so we can keep track of the posts. Thank you, Will, for providing a forum for discussion, and for being so patient with your readers.
Note: Anyone who would like to contribute a piece for this blog in regards to this issue is welcome to e-mail what they would like posted. I can site the piece to your name, or to an anonymous source (which I will clearly state). I only ask that your tone be civil, and your points be well reasoned. If you have any souces (for instance a past article from the DNR), please include the full link of the article in your e-mail, and I will include it in the piece. You can e-mail me a submission to this blog at - WV
At 1/29/2006 12:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
i want to know if the mayor tried to get one of his buddies electric bill takend care of? come on equiring minds want to know. the othe stuff is stupid!
At 1/29/2006 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, the mayor tried to get the electricity turned back on for someone ( a buisness) who owed a considerable amount to the town in delinquent electric bills. He tried to use his authority to "get er done". Needless to say, his attempts didn't work.
At 1/29/2006 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
FYI the grey haired old ladies club are not "the voters" they are some of the voters, about 4. They are the old ladies of the town who have their noses in everyhing, like telling the mayor what is best, telling others how to vote while never having any correct information.....
At 1/29/2006 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm a little confused about this whole "grey haired old ladies club." how does that fit in to any discussion about the town and why does everyone think they have some kind of mind control? yes, elkton has old-fashioned beliefs. it's an old-fashioned town. i don't think that has anything to do with grey haired old ladies, which by the way is a very derogatory remark. maybe your mothers never taught you to respect your elders.
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