Democratic spin doctor not impressed with Mark Warner
Yesterday former Governor Mark Warner, appeared on ABC's "This Week" program hosted by George Stephanopoulous. I missed the first portion of Mr. Warner's conversation with Mr. Stephanopoulous, but the interview covered a wide-variety of domestic and international issues (Alito nomination, Iraq War, wiretapping, etc.) and for the most part the interview appeared to be fairly mundane. Everyone knows Mark Warner will run for President in 2008, therefore even a "lazy Sunday morning" interview with Mr. Stephanopoulous gives Virginia's popular former Governor a chance to expose himself to the larger general public, and this is a good thing.
But it appears that Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist/spin doctor, wasn't impressed. Apparently Ms. Brazile took umbrage to Mr. Warner's comments that his Presidential role model is the progressive reformist Republican Teddy Roosevelt. (Gasp!) One would think that since it has been over 100 years since Teddy first took office, the "sting" of a modern day Democratic Presidential hopefull choosing a Republican - who Warner claims would be a Democrat today, for whatever that's worth - as their favorite former President would have worn off. Obviously not to Ms. Brazile, who said she wouldn't have picked Roosevelt as a Presidential role model.
I guess Brazile would have prefered for Warner to have chosen one of her former clients as his favorite Presidential role model. Ms. Brazile has served as a influential policy consultant on numerous Presidential campaigns. For example, Ms. Brazile had an influential hand in determining the poltical fates of Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson, Dick Gephardt, and more recently Al Gore. The only successful Democratic Presidential campaign in the last 25 years, Bill Clinton's campaign, appears to be the only campaign in which Brazile had very little hands on contact, serving only as a low-level policy advisor. Lucky for Bill.
It appears that Mr. Warner's "sensible center" style of leadership/politics will be challenged by certain players in the Democratic Paty (surprise, surprise). If Ms. Brazile's opening salvo is indicative of the criticism that will be leveled against Mr. Warner, the former Governor will have an easy road to the nomination. With enemies like Donna Brazile, the future looks very bright for Mark Warner.
But it appears that Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist/spin doctor, wasn't impressed. Apparently Ms. Brazile took umbrage to Mr. Warner's comments that his Presidential role model is the progressive reformist Republican Teddy Roosevelt. (Gasp!) One would think that since it has been over 100 years since Teddy first took office, the "sting" of a modern day Democratic Presidential hopefull choosing a Republican - who Warner claims would be a Democrat today, for whatever that's worth - as their favorite former President would have worn off. Obviously not to Ms. Brazile, who said she wouldn't have picked Roosevelt as a Presidential role model.
I guess Brazile would have prefered for Warner to have chosen one of her former clients as his favorite Presidential role model. Ms. Brazile has served as a influential policy consultant on numerous Presidential campaigns. For example, Ms. Brazile had an influential hand in determining the poltical fates of Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson, Dick Gephardt, and more recently Al Gore. The only successful Democratic Presidential campaign in the last 25 years, Bill Clinton's campaign, appears to be the only campaign in which Brazile had very little hands on contact, serving only as a low-level policy advisor. Lucky for Bill.
It appears that Mr. Warner's "sensible center" style of leadership/politics will be challenged by certain players in the Democratic Paty (surprise, surprise). If Ms. Brazile's opening salvo is indicative of the criticism that will be leveled against Mr. Warner, the former Governor will have an easy road to the nomination. With enemies like Donna Brazile, the future looks very bright for Mark Warner.
At 1/16/2006 11:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now that I've put my tin foil hat on, let me say that it wouldn't surprise me if comments like Brazile's weren't meant to purposely give a little crossover lustre to Warner's bipartisan appeal. Big Time Lefty Dem attacks centrist Warner = Warner ain't a lefty.
Also, her comment about him not being ready for prime time was stating the obvious. But that's why Warner's got 2 more years, a federal PAC, and a national tour going on - to train for the presidential. I'd say that the current White House occupant still isn't ready for prime time.
At 1/17/2006 8:11 AM,
Will Vaught said…
yes, i think your points are valid. I've always wondered what "talking heads" like Brazile really do? It appears to be about a dozen or so "spin doctors" (like Brazile, and on both the republican and democratic sides) that do nothing but hit the talk show circuit and tell everyone what to think. wow, I wish I had that job!
At 1/17/2006 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm working toward that career path, myself, buddy. I hear it pays nicely. Case in point: the headshot that I already use for the blog. I really look like I know what I'm talking about!
At 1/25/2006 12:23 AM,
Howling Latina said…
Yep, I bet you a dollar to a box of Krispy Kremes that if Warner signed up Ms. Brazille to head up his presidential exploratory committee, the syrupy, toady comments would be flying out of her mouth faster than a heat seaking missing in hell.
At 1/25/2006 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oops, make that heat seeking.
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