A quick look at Mark Warner's record.
During the 2004 Presidential campaign President Bush so proudly stated that "results matter". I agree W, but I would argue that results can be both negative and positive - and positive results are what REALLY matter.
I found the "bullet points" listed below on the Draft Mark Waner 2008 site. These bullet points highlight many of the positive trends/results that the Warner administration can claim as their own.
Sure, politicians probably get too much credit when things go good, and too much blame when things go bad. I tend to agree with that general sentiment too. But when you consider the outright incompetence, smoke and mirrors management style, and fiscal mismanagement of Mark Warner's predecessor in the Governor's mansion, these "results" are welcome.
I found the "bullet points" listed below on the Draft Mark Waner 2008 site. These bullet points highlight many of the positive trends/results that the Warner administration can claim as their own.
Warner's Record
- Turned a $6 billion deficit into a $544 Million surplus
- Eliminated or merged more than 70 duplicative or unnecessary boards and commissions and eight state agencies
- Salvaged Virginia's threatened AAA bond rating
- Double-digit unemployment has plummeted in 12 of 13 of the most distressed counties
- 2nd lowest jobless rate in the nation
- 97% of all eligible children enrolled in heath care
- Single largest investment in K-12 education in state history
- Second largest increase in college and university funding in the nation
- Highest math SAT score increase in the nation
- The Council of Chief State School Officers Most Prestigious 2005Distinguished Service Award
- 700 miles of broadband connecting nearly 700,000 citizens and more than 19,000 businesses
Sure, politicians probably get too much credit when things go good, and too much blame when things go bad. I tend to agree with that general sentiment too. But when you consider the outright incompetence, smoke and mirrors management style, and fiscal mismanagement of Mark Warner's predecessor in the Governor's mansion, these "results" are welcome.
At 12/01/2005 3:31 PM,
zen said…
Considering that Warner has successfully and impressively dug the state out of a Republican-created hole, he may indeed be uniquely qualified to help lead us out of the mess Bush is going to be leaving the nation in.
At 12/07/2005 2:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Warner has done a credible job for Virginia. Hate to see him play second string to HRC in the not too distant presidential primaries. Hope that he can stay in the game from now till then.
At 12/10/2005 4:37 PM,
James A. Bacon said…
Will, Warner has done a reasonably good job in the fiscal realm, but there's no need to exagerrate it. You cite the fact that he turned a "6 billion deficit" into a $544 million surplus.
There was never a $6 billion deficit, or even a looming deficit of that size. There was what Gov. Warner has since called a "$6 billion budget shortfall." That "shortfall" -- or gap between revenue and spending -- is a cumulative number spread over three years and added all together. It is important to note that some of that "shortfall" also occurred as a result of new spending that Warner himself wanted to put into place.
Bottom line: Yes, Warner closed a very real budget deficit. But it wasn't close to $6 billion.
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