The Commonwealth Iconoclast

A site dedicated to covering issues relevant to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and nation at large, plus other interesting things too, as I see fit...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Richmond International Airport: Do not attempt to fly while high!

Here's a good story from today's Richmond Times Dispatch. It appears that officials at the Richmond International Airiport are starting to crackdown on weed. Several years ago - Pre-9/11 - if a passenger was "busted" for minor possession at the airport they were usaually asked to throw it away. Now it appears that this laid-back policy has changed. Even if you just want to take a few joints with you so you can "puff" before hitting the slopes in Colorado!

You might remember that few months ago a member of the City of Richmond's School Board, Steve Johnson, was busted buy airport security officials for having a couple of joints hidden in a pack of cigarets. This bust, coupled with a previous "controversy", prompted Johnson to resign from the School Board. I do hope it was worth it!

So remember, even if you're going on vacation, it's probably a good idea to leave the bong at home when flying out of an international airport. In today's post-9/11 world, I would suggest that "adults" - especially elected officials - use better judgement before hopping on a plane with an illegal substance. If taking some hippie lettuce on your next trip is so important to you (like to your 30 year High School reunion or something) I'd suggest driving instead!


  • At 4/12/2006 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is not such a comforting thought to have these folks on the highway behind the wheel either.

  • At 4/13/2006 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Steve Johnson, there is a character. When I lived in Richmond it seemed like that guy was on TV all the time. You are correct, I hope loosing his job with the School Board was worth attempting to take a few bones with him on his trip to California. I'm sure he never could have found any dope in California!


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